Monday, October 5, 2009

Some Summer Photos

On the Go

Wow, things have changed so much since last I wrote. The Man and I get along great and spend plenty of time alone without the Lady, no problem.

I have been on the go constantly all summer.

I went to:

Maine where I learned to swim.

the Farmer's Market where I always got free samples.

Deer Island and the beach.

visit with the Lady's parents' dog, Crocket the Plott Hound.

a cookout.

yard sales.

lots of walking trails.

Harvard Square. I rode the bus! I was also allowed into Harvard Book Store!

North Shore Animal Hospital where I had THE operation. It wasn't my favorite place, but the people were nice to me and I have fully recovered.

I'm sure I am leaving places out, but it has been a whirlwind summer.

Of all the places I have been, home is my favorite. There is no place like home. That is the truth.